Many countries in the European Union are restricting the use of single-use plastics in food packaging. It’s a regulatory change that goes hand in hand with the consumer’s increasing preference for more sustainable products. The primary packaging sector works actively to provide solutions that combine both sensitivities. To achieve this, Hinojosa Packaging Xàtiva has developed Barket, an innovative container made of corrugated, octagonal, and heat-sealable cardboard; an ecofriendly alternative to traditional single-use plastic containers for fruits and vegetables.
Its innovative and sustainable design has been recognized in the WorldStar Awards 2021, the sector’s most important awards worldwide. Barket has a lower environmental impact than other containers because it’s made of recycled cardboard, but it maintains the same product safety performance.
Its structure allows incorporating a thin sheet of heat-sealed film on its top to protect the product. It is a process that can be carried out with the machines that agricultural companies have in their facilities for plastic trays.
This allows decreasing the use of plastic by up to 95%. In addition, it is a 100% recyclable container, since both materials (cardboard and film) are easily separable to dispose of them appropriately.
In addition, since it’s made out of cardboard, Barket allows producers to directly print on the packaging and is an excellent communication tool. Hinojosa’s wide range of printing techniques allows ensuring that the brand image is impeccable and that it transmits the company’s values to its consumers.
The WorldStar Awards are the international packaging industry’s most important awards. Barket has won this edition after winning the Liderpack 2020 award and being selected as the Spanish representative of the sector.
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