The greenhouse was equipped within the framework of the federal program “Professionalism – 2022” and allows you to study the main modern systems and technologies for growing plants in an artificial climate and protected ground.
According to the press service of the regional Ministry of Agriculture, various types of hydroponic systems, aeroponics and aquaponics are assembled in the greenhouse complex.
Aquaponics is a technology that allows you to grow fish and plants together, where fish waste is fertilizers for plants, and plants, in turn, purify water for fish. Aeroponics is a system where plant roots hang freely in the air, and a pump supplies nutrients to them through nozzles. The installation allows you to get up to 100 seed mini-tubers of potatoes from one plant.
“Having a technological reserve, students will be able to achieve more, combine systems, supplement them by using biologically active substances, their own nutrition systems, their own lighting modes,” the Ministry of Agriculture explained.
One of the technological innovations allows you to use five different light spectra, set modes and wavelength ratios that will allow you to control the process of plant growth and development.
It is reported that a new laboratory of microclonal plant propagation has been opened at the university, and the greenhouse is an important link in the production stage of healthy planting material, whether it is potatoes or ornamental, berry, fruit crops.
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