#Coexphal #Agrocolor #GLOBALGAP #Agriculturalresponsible #Solar greenhouses #Foodsafety #Quality #Qualitystandards #Agriculturalmodel #Certificatedproducts #TechnicAlvisits #Presentations #Distributingchains #Associatedproducts #Certification #Foodsector #Almeria
The Association of Fruit and Vegetable Producers of Almeria (Coexphal), Agrocolor and the GLOBALG platform.A.P come together to present the GLOBALG.A.P Tour España 2023, an event that will take place in Almería on March 14 and 15 under the slogan ‘Responsible Agriculture of the future’. The objective of this tour is to publicize the sustainable production model of solar greenhouses in Almeria and to deepen the sustainability certification in the European market.
With the participation of more than 50 European and British supermarket chains, the event seeks to guarantee food safety and quality of fruit and vegetable products at the points of sale. Version 6 of the GLOBALG standard.A.P of Integrated Farm Assurance (IFA) will be presented as one of the novelties of this edition and will be mandatory for fruits, vegetables, flowers and plants from 2024.
Technical visits to farms and companies, as well as presentations from the main European distribution chains such as Carrefour, ALDI, TESCO and Fresh Strategy (he works for LIDL) will be part of the event. More than 200,000 certified producers in more than 135 countries are part of the GLOBALG platform.A.P.
The agricultural model of Almeria is highlighted as a success thanks to the implementation of quality standards, a large part of them implemented by COEXPHAL’s associated producers and applied and certified from Agrocolor. This certifier recently announced that it is the entity with the most producers worldwide attached to any of the GLOBAL standards.G.A.P.
For the manager of Coexphal, Luis Miguel Fernández, this event is one of the great appointments of the agri-food sector worldwide and takes place in Almería, by the hand of two entities that have walked alongside GLOBALG.A.P. since its inception, knowing that quality and excellence are the main letters of presentation in the markets.