On the basis of the Technopark of Universal Pedagogical Competencies of VSPU, a laboratory assistant of the Technopark Pavlov A.A., an assistant of the Department of Informatics, Information Technologies and Digital Education of VSPU Gorbunov N.A., with the assistance of the Dean of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of VSPU Malev V.V. and the director of the Technopark of Universal Pedagogical Competencies Gromova A.V., a hydroponic installation was assembled and launched.
Hydroponics is a unique method of growing plants, which has become widespread in the agricultural industry. A method of growing plants in which the soil is replaced by an air-water environment, and the roots are fed from an artificially created aqueous solution saturated with oxygen and minerals. The composition of the solution is developed in accordance with the individual needs of plants. It is also possible to use non-nutritious substrates, such as expanded clay, for stable fixation of the plant in the hydroponic system. The hydroponic method of growing plants is, in fact, known to almost every one of us… Remember? As a child in winter, you or your grandmothers grew green onions on the windowsill, putting in mayonnaise jars filled with water bulbs — this is also hydroponics! Already, hydroponic plants allow you to grow food where it previously seemed impossible, supplying fresh produce to even the most remote corners of the planet. A little knowledge, experience, effort — and the success of growing on hydroponics will not take long to wait.
I would like to express special gratitude to Yuri Timofeevich Torgashin, a former teacher of the Department of Chemistry, developer of the course on agrochemistry, for his valuable recommendations and sincere desire to share his experience with the hydroponics method.
A source: https://voronej.bezformata.com