In 2010, Ingrid Marie and Benjamin embarked on a transformative journey, inspired by a visit to a nature home in Sweden. Located in a greenhouse, this home represents an eco-friendly lifestyle with a complete biological cycle that reuses water to grow edible plants. Fast forward 14 years and they have created their own oasis on Sandhornøya, using the power of a domed greenhouse to defy the harsh Arctic climate. While their efforts are a unique testament to sustainable living, they also spark interest in the future of agriculture.
Inside the 7.5 meter high dome, life is in full swing, despite the long winter outside. Here they are isolated from the elements, surrounded by a lush green reserve. Their home stands out not only as an architectural marvel, but also as a self-sustaining ecosystem, a rarity even among greenhouse dwellers in Norway.
As we witness the pioneering spirit of the Hjertefölger family, their story highlights a broader approach to sustainability and innovation in agriculture. It encourages us to reconsider the conventional boundaries of agriculture and imagine a future in which living in harmony with nature is not just a dream, but a tangible reality.
Ingrid Marie and Benjamin Hertefölger’s journey represents the convergence of sustainability and agriculture, offering a glimpse into a future where agriculture and environmentally conscious living coexist harmoniously. Their innovative approach challenges us to rethink what’s possible in the agricultural landscape, inspiring a shift to greener, more sustainable practices.