In a recent business endeavor, Igor Jovkovic, General Manager and Co-Owner at Agrikol Group ? and Canexus, embarked on a...
In the bustling greenhouse of Meijer Potato's breeding station in Rilland, The Netherlands, a remarkable process unfolds between March and...
Dive into the fascinating world of lettuce cultivation in greenhouses and uncover the secrets behind achieving the perfect red hue...
In the heart of Utena, Lithuanian farmers Irma and Egidijus Kucinskas have transformed their 6-hectare plot into a thriving agricultural...
The area of greenhouses of the second stage of the complex, built by LLC "Gifts of Nature", is 11.5 hectares....
Today marked a significant milestone for Dionysis Tarnavas, the Product Manager at Ridder, and his esteemed R&D team as they...
Hebei Naltsen Trading Co.,Ltd. has introduced a revolutionary approach to greenhouse cultivation by addressing the vulnerability of greenhouse films to...
#Agriculture #SmartFarming #AgriculturalTechnology #GreenhouseManagement #IoT #BigData #ArtificialIntelligence #Sustainability #Innovation #PrecisionFarming #RuralDevelopment #OpenSource In the rapidly evolving landscape of smart farming,...
#RainwaterStorage #Horticulture #WaterManagement #ClimateResilience #SustainableAgriculture #Innovation #Irrigation #WaterConservation #EnvironmentalSustainability #AgriculturalTechnology In recent years, the horticultural industry has witnessed a surge...
#Agriculture #GreenhouseTechnology #Sustainability #Farm-to-Table #EnvironmentalStewardship #InnovationGeodesicStructures #SustainableAgriculture In the heart of La Saline Royale, a UNESCO World Heritage site, lies...