The Adelaide Plains, often referred to as Australia's "glasshouse capital," is home to over 1,000 hectares of greenhouses producing a...
In the coming years, "Technonicol" Company plans to increase the share of exports to 25 percent of total production. Today,...
The agricultural industry faces growing challenges, from unpredictable climate changes to soil degradation and increasing global food demand. To address...
In the near future, artificial intelligence will begin to be introduced in greenhouses in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The corresponding project,...
The Kalininskiy Greenhouse Complex in the Krasnodar region is now on auction, presenting a significant opportunity for farmers and agribusinesses...
In a world facing increasing pressure on food systems, Myfood, a French company specializing in aquaponic greenhouses, is making waves...
Hydroponic farming, a method of growing plants without soil, has rapidly gained traction as a solution to the resource challenges...
With the gardening season right around the corner, choosing the right plants can make all the difference in ensuring a...
The Samara National Research University named after Academician Korolev has developed a prototype of an automatic greenhouse that allows year-round...
The installation of greenhouses for vegetable production in Río Colorado represents a significant advancement in sustainable agriculture, particularly for local...