Rising Threat: Oriental Fruit Fly Spotted in Greece In a significant development, Greece has confirmed the presence of the Oriental...
Tomatoes are frequently challenged by various pathogens, among which Phytophthora capsici (P. capsici) is a destructive soil-borne pathogen that seriously threatens the safe...
Solarisation is a soil disinfection method consisting of covering a moistened soil with a thin transparent plastic film, for 4-6...
Industry-standard fungicides and biofungicides can be vital tools to help tackle tomato leaf mould (Passalora fulva). P. fulva infects via the...
Economic damage has been reported on tomato plants and pepper. ToBRFV is of special concern because of its ability to...
4th July 2024 specialists from the Far East`s branch office of the All-Russian Plant Quarantine Centre have revealed the infestation...
Bacterial spot of Solanum lycopersicum was first reported in South Africa and the USA, and was first described on Capsicum...
All-Russian Plant Quarantine Centre informed that tomato brown rugose fruit virus infestation (ToBRFV) was detected in 30 tonnes of tomatoes...
Canada’s greenhouse sector is a powerhouse of fruit and vegetable production, driven by a few key crops that dominate the...
Salinity, drought, and flooding are common environmental stresses that negatively impact plant growth, development, and productivity. When subjected to abiotic...