In the bustling greenhouse of Meijer Potato's breeding station in Rilland, The Netherlands, a remarkable process unfolds between March and...
The sale of greenhouse vegetables and berries from Crimean producers has begun in the markets of the republic. Customers are...
The area of greenhouses of the second stage of the complex, built by LLC "Gifts of Nature", is 11.5 hectares....
In Kabardino-Balkaria, the production of vegetable products in farms of all categories increased by 16% in 2019-2023. During this period,...
There are currently 12 modern greenhouse complexes operating in the Stavropol Territory. Their total area reaches 336 hectares. By the...
One of the largest greenhouse complexes for year-round vegetable cultivation is located in the Lyudinovsky district of the region. The...
Harvesting of greenhouse vegetables has begun in Crimea. Fresh products arrive on the market every day, which makes it possible...
Experts assess the potential of the greenhouse business in the South of Russia as high. Several major projects are planned...
The investor is going to allocate 5.6 billion rubles for the construction of the Vostochny agricultural complex in the Stavropol...
In the Kemerovo region, the volume of agricultural products grown indoors has increased almost 1.5 times over the past five...