At the Historical Grapes Nursery Sonnehoeck, a piece of horticultural history is being kept alive with the help of a...
"Sustainability is a choice. A strategic, smart choice. And, contrary to what some believe, you do not have to sacrifice...
"By reclaiming precious water from the air and continually air-processing greenhouse environments, agribusinesses can now reduce utility expenses and realize...
Consumers who buy a bag of lettuce expect to find a clean product with a reasonable shelf life and no...
Like in the US, the debate on whether hydroponic grown vegetables can be classified as organic is ongoing in Europe....
Remote-controlled Venus flytrap "robo-plants" and crops that tell farmers when they are hit by disease could become reality after scientists...
Edible flowers have been used in the food and beverage industries because of their high nutritional value, flavor, and scent....
There is a myriad of factors for growers to take onboard when building a greenhouse or grow area. Firstly, there’s...
Our platform seamlessly connects all aspects of the growing process, enabling you to control your crop in the most efficient...
A new study has demystified sugar distribution in plants, paving the way to create low sugar or ‘diet’ fruits. The...