Novosibirsk engineers have developed innovative greenhouses for year-round vegetable growing. The accumulated heat from sunlight helps to maintain the desired climate inside.
“The know-how of our system is that we have learned how to collect the heat that is formed in the greenhouse with excess, accumulate it, and then heat the room at night when there is not enough sunlight,” Sergey Soshnin, head of Effective Greenhouses LLC, told the City Site.
According to him, when using this technology, heating costs are reduced, which means that the final cost of grown products will decrease. Moreover, if, for example, you put a greenhouse on the roof of a house, then part of the received solar energy can be directed to heating the building.
A complex of equipment is used in this technology. The heat that is collected in the upper part of the greenhouse is pumped into special accumulators using pumps during the daytime.
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