The largest Russian vegetable producer has upgraded the greenhouse lighting system
The Ovoshchevod company has completed the first stage of modernization of the technological lighting system of its greenhouses. As part ...
The Ovoshchevod company has completed the first stage of modernization of the technological lighting system of its greenhouses. As part ...
#Agriculture #GreenhouseFarming #SeedProduction #RussianAgriculture #FoodSecurity #AgriculturalInnovation #GovernmentSupport #HorticultureTrends #CropSustainability #InternationalAgriculturalExhibition In recent discussions at the "YUGAGRO-2023" expo, Alexey Sitnikov, the ...
#Agriculture #TomatoFarming #GreenhouseTechnology #AgriculturalInnovation #Agroholding #Stavropol #RussianAgriculture #SustainableFarming #InvestmentInAgriculture In a strategic leap towards agricultural innovation, Agroholding "Belaya Dacha" has ...
#Agriculture #Farming #GreenhouseComplex #RostHolding #AgrokulturaGroup #SustainableAgriculture #Innovation #AgronomicExcellence #RussianAgriculture #StrategicPartnership In a significant development within the Russian agricultural landscape, the ...
#Agriculture #GreenhouseComplex #Kamchatka #SustainableAgriculture #VegetableProduction #TeplicyRegionov #RussianAgriculture #Year-RoundFarming The Kamchatka Peninsula, known for its stunning landscapes and unique geography, is ...
#Russianagriculture #domesticseeds #greenhousecomplexes #foodsecurity #subsidies #foreignmarkets Russia's agriculture is seeking ways to increase its productivity and reduce its reliance on ...